Meet our partner Dein Dental, a network of dental care centres committed to an overarching goal: bring together the best people, technologies, and processes to offer patients throughout Germany the highest quality in dental aesthetic advice,…
💶 The individual environmental impact is reflected in all our daily actions, and how we handle money is one of them. Despite being dubbed as the payment method of the future, cryptocurrencies have a carbon footprint from the past, emitting…
We wish a Merry Christmas to all our members, ambassadors and friends. We hope you have a sustainable holiday season with your family, valuing the love between people and offering fewer but better gifts. That way, we can celebrate Christmas…
🇩🇪 Meet one of our ambassadors and co-founder, Dr Dr Markus Tröltzsch from Ansbach, Germany:"The combination of changing process patterns to a more eco-friendly procedure and the compensation of the resulting damage seems to…
Meet our partner @happynecks, who produces high-quality headrests and lumbar supports for dental care. Its ever-increasing commitment to the environment is underpinned by creating products that stand the test of time, sustainable production…
🌱 Did you know that there are more living organisms in a tablespoon of soil than people on Earth? Soil is a world made up of organisms, minerals, and organic components that provides food for humans and animals through plant growth.…
🙏 On the occasion of our first anniversary and as today is Thanksgiving, we want to thank all our members, ambassadors, partners, and sponsors for supporting us in making medicine more sustainable.
🇺🇦 greenviu is celebrating its first anniversary. One of our most impactful actions was the humanitarian transport to Ukraine in early 2022, which would not have been possible without the valuable help of our colleagues and…
🌍 Decarbonization cannot wait. We are perilously close to crossing irreversible tipping points. We hope that governments and organizations present at COP27 seize the opportunity to change our trajectory in climate change and biodiversity…
Do you want to know the most efficient ways to save energy (and money) and lower carbon emissions?In this study by the British Dental Association, available in our members' area, it is possible to see the impact of dentistry on the environment…